Yukako Manabe 真鍋由伽子






1994 東京生まれ。
東京藝術大学日本画専攻卒業後、同大学院版画専攻修了。 日本画と版画の技法を用いて日常と空想の境目を描く。
2018 個展「たたずむあの人」(伊勢丹新宿本店)ほか、 ART FAIR TOKYO2018(東京国際フォーラム)、アートエキスポマレーシア(MECC)などに出品。
2019~ 2020 ERASMUS+奨学生としてポーランドへ留学。


Whisper of the Forest


Yukako Manabe is an artist who uses Japanese painting and printmaking techniques to depict the borderline between the everyday and the imaginary. For the online exhibition, "Summer Fragrance," she has drawn a work inspired by the three Tokyo Kodo fragrances: "Whisper of the Forest," "Stardust," and "Sacred Tree". In order to capture the multilayered image of the scents, they are made by layering several different color plates using the lithograph technique. The work, which depicts an imaginary view of the world beyond where the fragrance takes us, creates a mysterious sense of floating, as if between reality and unreality. Through incense, incense holders made of various materials, and artwork created from fragrance, we hope to bring you an experience of tasting fragrance through the senses of smell, touch, and sight.


Born in Tokyo in 1994. Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts with a major in Japanese painting, and completed the graduate program in printmaking at the same university. She depicts the borderline between the everyday and the imaginary using the techniques of Japanese painting and printmaking, and has exhibited her works at the solo exhibition "That Person Standing Still" (Isetan Shinjuku) in 2018, ART FAIR TOKYO 2018 (Tokyo International Forum), Art Expo Malaysia (MECC), and other events. Studied in Poland as an ERASMUS+ scholarship student from 2019 to 2020.