詩集「季節を脱いで ふたりは潜る」(菅原敏著)の中の詩や言葉をモチーフに制作されたアートピース。静かな夜や海をイメージして制作された、シャーレ型のガラスプレートです。裏返して台座のように使って頂いても素敵です。
This art piece was inspired by poems and words in the poetry book "Taking off our Seasons, the Two of Us Dive" (written by Bin Sugawara). This petri glass plate was created with the image of a quiet night or the sea. It is also wonderful to use it as a pedestal by turning it upside down.
*Small holes due to bubbles may be seen on the surface and corners of the piece, but they are caused by the manufacturing process.
*Please choose the type from the option.