Akane Nakajima 中島あかね

Pieces of Spring


暖かい空気の中に花の匂いやしっとりとした湿気を感じるようになった季節。 日の光は強く、緑はどんどんと青く、季節は進んでいきます。毎日同じ景色を見て、同じ場所で同じ人と会って、そんな単調な日々の中でも、空の色が違ったり、花が開いていたり、私たちの日常は、ささやかでも美しい変化であふれています。



味や匂いといった、視覚化できない体験を絵にしたいと語るあかねさん。 長い冬が終わった後の、暖かく緩んだ空気を思いながら描いた本作は、水分をたっぷりと含ませた筆で紙の上に小さな色の水溜りを作っては乾かすという手法で、水の跡が残るように描かれました。みずみずしさの中に、春特有の匂いがふわっと立ち上がるような、空気感溢れる作品になりました。



Pieces of Spring


This is the season when the warm air is filled with the smell of flowers and moist humidity. The sun is stronger, the greens are bluer and bluer, and the season is moving on. Every day we see the same scenery, meet the same people in the same places, and even in such monotonous days, the sky is a different color and flowers are blooming. Our daily lives are filled with small but beautiful changes.

We are pleased to announce that we have invited illustrator Akane Nakajima to draw pieces of everyday life that surrounds us.

The gradation of the same motifs tells us that our daily life, which seems to be a repetition of the same thing, is actually full of many changes, each of which is a moment in time, and each of which is irreplaceable.

Akane says she wants to paint experiences that cannot be visualized, such as tastes and smells. She painted this work while thinking of the warm, relaxed air after a long winter. She used a brush brimming with water to create small puddles of color on the paper and then let them dry, so that traces of water would remain. The result is a work full of freshness and an airy atmosphere, as if the distinctive smell of spring is wafting through the air.

Now that we are reminded of how precious our everyday life is, I hope it will be an opportunity to look again at the small bits of beauty around us.

Painter and illustrator.
Born in Tokyo in 1992. Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Visual Communication Design.
I would like to draw things like tastes and smells.