京都で生まれたmomoのキャリアはとてもユニーク。大学で最初に学んだのはファインアート。だが、自分が表現したいことを職に結び付けたいと思い、東京でジュエリー会社に就職する。4年ほどキャリアを積むも、漠然とあった海外への憧れから、仕事を辞めてロンドンへ。当初は遊学の気持ちで訪れたロンドンだったが、改めて自分にはジュエリーしかないことを悟り、名門セントラル・セントマーチンのMAコースへ入りなおし、再びジュエリーに向き合うことに。在学2年目、momocreaturaの原点ともなるNearly Deadコレクションを製作。ミリ単位のミクロな世界で、クマやウサギなど森の動物たちをモチーフとしたダークファンタジーの世界を作り上げた。単純で解りやすいものよりも、多面性があるものが好きと語る彼女。その言葉通り、彼女のジュエリーはただ可愛らしいだけでない、シュルレアリズムやグロテスクの要素を孕んでいる。
- 2009
- セントラル・セントマーチンにて修士課程を卒業後、momocreatura の名前でロンドンを拠点にイギリス、ヨーロッパ、日本で活動。
- 2011
- 英国のジュエリー誌『Professional Jeweller』にて、英国のジュエリー界で注目の100人”Hot 100”の一人に選ばれる。
- 2012
- 英国で最も権威のあるジュエリー、銀器の展示会『Gold smith's fair』に出展。
Micro dark fantasy from London
Any grotesque motif becomes exceptional fantasy
A rabbit with its heart pierced by an arrow, scull, eyeball; momocreatura's motifs are grotesque and macabre. Yet these motifs suddenly become fairy tale like a fantasy world with a touch of momo. Although the motif tends to be kitsch, the jewelry with antique elegance and grace is all created by hand work at her atelier in London.
Multifaceted nature put into jewelry
Born in Kyoto, momo has a unique carrier. What she learned first was fine art in college. However, wanting to relate her work with what she wants to express, she started to work at a jewelry company in Tokyo. After pursuing this career for 4 years, she quit her job and flew to London; she had always had a desire to go overseas. At first, she visited London just to study abroad, but she came to realize once again that jewelry is the one she wants to pursue. She entered Central Saint Martins College and began her life dealing with jewelry. During her second year, she produced Nearly Dead Collection which is the origin of momocreatura. She created a dark fantasy world on a millimeter scale, with the motifs of animals in the woods like bears and rabbits. She says that she likes things that have multifaceted nature rather than the ones that are simple and easily comprehensible. Just as how she describes, her jewelry is not only pretty, but it also comprises surrealism and grotesque element.
Unique aspect of Japanese, devotion for details
What she focuses on the most is craftsmanship, she says. The remarkable feature of momocreatura is its details. The first step of jewelry making, mold making is done solely by her. Using wax and sculpture tools instead of paper and a pen, she sculptures with millimeter accuracy as if she were drawing. Also, another feature of momocreatura is that her jewelry is a compound of many different parts. Normally, many jewelry brands do not follow this process because it involves more cost and effort. Nevertheless, she wants to keep the value in this kind of processes which others don't do.
With the inspiration of the European culture and very much Japanese like meticulousness in craftsmanship, momocreatura keeps developing her world like no other.
- 2009
- Graduated from Central Saint Martins
Started her work as a jeweler under the name momocreatura in Europe, especially London, and Japan
- 2011
- Chosen as one of the "Hot 100" in British jewelry business in the British magazine Professional Jeweller
- 2012
- Displayed at “Gold Smith’s Fair” the most authoritative jewelry and silverware show in Britain